Sunday, December 5, 2010


Some say the earth will end in fire, some in ice. Others say it will go with a whimper, some with a bang. The Bible says there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Cayce said the earth will change as it has done countless times in the past, before man's appearance in this plane.

Third From The Sun

Cayce predicted major earth changes for the United States. You are strongly advised to research these predictions and decide whether they resonate with you. Many of the statements he made seventy years ago, including the rise of China and the relocation of the South Pole to the South Atlantic Ocean, are taking place even as you read this post.

Nostradamus has also made predictions similar to Cayce's, and in particular, in a letter to his son, disclosed that water will flood much of the earth again at the end of time. These physical changes are in process now. Ice caps are melting. Earthquakes are increasing in frequency and magnitude. Weather patterns are changing. Even the gravity, mass, and magnetic orientation of the poles are shifting. These changes are being monitored by Livermore Labs, NASA, and leading universities in climate research like the University of Arizona.
Greenland Ice Berg
As you read this post, ice caps are breaking up at both the North and South Poles, and huge ice sheets have already separated from the polar caps. This summer, the summer of 2010, scientists have discovered that the Greenland ice cap is melting at an accelerated rate from past measurements. Even more recently, a major break occured, separating an "ice berg" four times the size of Manhatten Island from the main glacier in Greenland. It is pictured above in the northwest quadrant of the photo.
Greenland Ice Cap
Warm weather is no stranger to Greenland. As recent as three million years ago, Greenland was free of it's ice pack, and had been free of ice for as long as fifty million years prior to that time.  The warming trend we are experiencing now, may just be a continuation of a trend that began with the end of the "Ice Age" 12,000 years ago. In geologic time, the end of the Ice Age is still ending.

Hurricane From Space

These physical changes will have massive political and economic implications for us all as they unfold. Survival will require us to adapt to these changes or die. It will be the end of the world as we know it. Only the mentally, physically, and spiritually strong will survive because they will be prepared in advance for these changes. These wise, prudent, and God fearing souls are called "preppers". Only the most violent, despicable, and ruthless will survive the inner cities to oppose them.

Some believe that physical earth changes, like the Pole Shift, will come in 2012 with the Mayan Cosmic Alignment of the earth with the galactic center. The Bible Codes predict 2015 for this activity. Many scientists are concerned about recent changes in the radiation of the Sun and also about the increased sunspot activity that is anticipated with a new sunspot cycle. A recent solar flare suggests that the Sun is emerging from its slumber and that a new solar maximum cycle has begun. Scientists estimate that solar maximum cycle peak will be reached in 5.5 years; or late 2015.

Antarctica - South Pole

Some visionaries predict a CME for December 2012. A CME is a Corona Mass Ejection. Perhaps massive enough to emit an electromagnetic energy pulse great enough to burn out all electronic components. An ejection of this magnitude could plunge the United States into darkness and destroy all the electric generators, capacitors,  transformers, and electronic devices, while taking out all or part of the nation's electric grid.

A CME of this magnitude occurs on a regular basis, or about every 100 years. The magnitude of the CME that hit the United States in 1859 would be sufficient to plunge the United States into darkness today. Similar, but smaller, CME's have hit South Africa (2003) and Canada (1989) in modern times and have caused serious blackouts. Imagine living without electricity, refrigeration, or computers until the necessary equipment is manufactured and installed.

Solar Flares

Manufacturing of new equipment to replace the equipment destroyed by a CME equal to the 1859 event will take many months. A significant volume of new transformers could take many years to replace. Experts estimate a time frame of between four and ten years to make the required repairs. All production of this equipment has been moved to China. 

Say what?

Yes, America would have to order replacements from China while it's citizens shivered, or sweated to death in the dark; and a once great nation would have to rely on the kindness of strangers to repair their grid. One would suspect that China would replace their own electric grid first; and then?

Living without electricity would be life threatening to all but a handful of Americans. The Amish would barely notice the difference except that the sky might be darker at night and the stars  more visible. Native Americans living at the bottom of the Grand Canyon would likely return to the old ways and barely notice that the visitors have vanished and there is no longer trash to pickup along the trails. Small farmers and homesteaders could adapt easily to this change as they are self-sufficient; but for corporate farmers, suburbanites,  and city dwellers who comprise most of the population of the country, the loss of electricity would be devastating.

CME - Solar Flare

Water, sewage, and gasoline could not be pumped. Elevators, heat pumps, and machinery would not function. Interior lighting would be gone with the wind. Power to run mechanical and electronic equipment would be non-existant. Business as usual and life as we know it would cease to exist. Suddenly, and virtually overnight, America and some, all, or much of the rest of the world would be thrown back in time a hundred years. The problem then, is that Americans in particular, accustomed to lots of technology,  no longer have the skills associated with that time frame and would be required to relearn these skills, habits, and customs to survive. The learning curve will be steep and littered with casualties.

How Americans would adapt to the sudden loss of electricity will determine the kind of world that we would live in under that circumstance. Many millions of city and suburban residents will not be able to adapt in a positive way. If current circumstances are any indications of possible violence in the cities in the aftermath of a CME, imagine the consequences of many tens of millions of hungry, hot and thirsty, cold and tired residents all under stress.

Conflicts will develop between those that have and those that need. Depending upon how long it takes for the authorities to restore electricity, death and starvation could claim millions of lives. Again, experts say that it could take four to ten years to replace the grid and restore electricity after a significant CME. If it takes that long, chaos will reign in the inner cities, and death will be its constant companion.

The Bible Codes confirm "solar flares" in 2012. As solar flares occur all the time, these solar flares predicted for 2012 must be different. They could indicate a CME that generates an EMP strong enough to return America to the days of horse and buggies. Can you say 1900?

Solar Flare

These Earth Changes are coming. They are in process now. As the polar caps continue to melt the weight of the earth will be redistributed as the colder water sinks and flows toward the equator. Ocean currents will be affected and their patterns will change, are changing, and this will have implications for our weather.

Since it's discovery on June 1, 1831, by James Clark Ross, the North Magnetic Pole has moved in a north-westerly direction more than 700 miles from Canada towards Russia. The current speed of the movement is 40 miles per year. Previous, earlier studies had measured the rate of change at 25 miles per year. The rate of change appears to be increasing. The North Magnetic Pole is anticipated to reach Siberia by 2050 at the current rate of change.

Scientists have also detected changes in the mass and gravity of the earth in Africa and other locations, indicating that a massive amount of magma in the middle core, beneath the "outer shell" is moving. Think lava lamp on a global scale and at a geologic pace. A geologic pace that appears to be quickening. Land masses released of the burden of their ice, will rise, are rising. Other lands will be inundated by the rising waters. That too is happening now. Eventually this redistribution of mass and the gravity associated with that mass, will have to find equilibrium. That will be the tipping point. Literally.

Water Will Again Inundate The Earth

Those in government would like you to believe that humans are causing these changes by hydrocarbon use. But if these changes are caused by humans using oil and gas, who caused the Ice Age 12,000 years ago; and the really "deep freeze" before that more than 600 million years ago? Who caused the periods of warm, wet weather in between these periods of ice? The facts clearly show that "earth changes" are a natural part of the planetary cycle of warming and cooling. The truth is, the earth cycles and recycles itself continuously, and has been doing so for about 4 billion years. The only difference is us. We are here to observe and record the changes. We must also adapt to them.

Begin Your Prep

These changes will have massive political and financial implications for us all as they unfold. Teach your children basic survival skills with a garden in the back yard. In many cases you will have to learn yourself before teaching them. Everyone needs the basic understanding of growing their own food and preserving it. Get back to nature. Get your children back to nature. Take them hunting, fishing, and prospecting for family vacations to develop skills that they can use for survival when the SHTF in America. Because it will. Teotwawki is just around the corner.

Once their basic survival skills have been developed, they can pursue specific higher education of their choice and according to their individual inclinations. Be sure they have a fundamental understanding of fair trade, the principles of self determination as expressed by the Declaration of Independence, and codified in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Your children need to know and understand that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Intrinsic rights that are not granted by any monarch, oligarchy, or governing body. On the contrary, government derives its just power from the consent of the governed. This is the primary principle of self determination.

American rights are derived from nature's God: the Creator of all things, visible and invisible. Nurture your children's understanding of that Principle, and encourage them to develop a personal relationship with their Creator. It is that Principal, Who will sustain them in and through all things. Divine Providence created this nation and Divine Providence will sustain it, if the American people acknowledge that Source and honor It once again.

View Of The Galactic Center
Some say the world ends in fire, some in ice. Maybe the end of the world as we know it ....... ends in darkness. Got candles?